The Nature of It All



I’ve pondered the meaning of emotional intelligence and what separates it from basic intelligence, is that it creates more space and room for the depth of our emotions and neurological differences rather than limiting or shaming them, which can positively impact our communities.


Emotional intelligence requires that one has a growing scope of pain that is transmuted into gratitude that allows for a mutual resonance between a person and others. Some are intelligent at manipulating emotions which at face value feels more pleasant, whereas, contrary to popular belief emotional intelligence isn’t always a likable experience because it asks us to address our triggers and trauma in the face of truth.


While it requires us to build grace with our emotions and the emotions of those around us over time, it also teaches us to be firm in our boundaries. An emotionally intelligent individual isn’t just comforting or warm, but more so is someone who has the capacity to be fully present with another person’s perspective and experience alongside their own- to understand that many truths exist.


Being that capitalism relies heavily on our investments to sustain the greedy 1%, it relies heavily on inner conflict as a community, forced economic hardship, and drugs and medications. The internet can be a vile distraction when not used consciously. In juxtaposition, it is bringing us back into awareness of the importance of sustaining nature; only if we are consciously seeking to build our emotional intelligence- the very thing that separates us and simultaneously connects us to all things; people often use their minds more as a way to control than they do as a way to expand in their emotional healing, but what if that changed?


Although we have many pseudo leftist movements and non-profit organizations that claim to sustain nature and move towards more empathetic ways of living, we see historically how they usually have broader agendas that influence the nature of our politics. Right and left are two wings of the same bird. And so, I reflect often on when the masses will realize that we must become our own healers, trades, protectors, communities and get back to some of the most basic fundamental aspects of living in a symbiotic relationship with nature and one another; a gradual return to indigenous ways through the land, continuous deprogramming, and practices that connect us to spirit.




Some ways that governments throw off our electromagnetic field is through psychological and biological warfare; genetically modified foods, radiation, immunizations, medications, social media, news and not to mention how racism and classism plays a role.


I consider myself an afro revolutionary and have no desire to compete in my blackness, because the scientific truth is Africa is home. Scientific studies trace all humans back to an African woman (the mitochondrial Eve) and while racial injustice is a topic I am passionate about because I’ve personally experienced both prejudice and privilege, I believe it purposefully distracts the population from the deeper meanings of life and the spirituality that was stolen from Africans and indigenous.


We went from being taught in public school as kids that Columbus was a hero to then acknowledging he wasn’t, but were never told that colonization was still happening in other parts of the world. To this day, colonization and genocide are still occurring. Billionaires use their “humanitarian” non-profits to invade resourceful third world countries and over time control them entirely. Most of Africa is conquered by Europeans, besides for a small number of countries that battled relentlessly but suffered tremendously thereafter. The anti-blackness of this world is the biggest irony because every advancement we’ve made in technology, medicine, science, and spirituality exists because of the resources and people exploited in Africa- the darker people exploited in every single region. Every other form of oppression towards any other brown people is due to anti-blackness. This is why it’s so important we eradicate these systems without mirroring our oppressor, as religious cycles have shown we often do.


Pre-colonization, from the 8th into the 15th century (nearly 800 years), the Moors ruled a territory that is now current day Spain; the Moors were North Africans and prior to their arrival many developing European regions were filthy, disease infested, and had no sustainable ways of managing cities/towns. The Moors introduced irrigations systems, wells, channels, fountains, pools, private gardens, public restrooms, public baths, and brought a certain level of sophistication and beauty to life that then spread its influence across European regions and yet we never read about them in any standard history book; this is because it would shatter all illusions regarding Africans as primitive and uncivilized.


Many of our most useful daily amenities and items were invented by black people: the light switch, dryer, toilet, gas burner, door knob, door stop, defroster, lantern, kitchen table, conditioning unit, wrench, shoe, egg beater, piano, bottle caps, electric lamp, telephone transmitter, telephone, electric railway, ice cream, pace maker, video commander, helicopter, fire escape ladder, refrigerator, mop, clothes dresser, generator, engine, pencil sharpener, pressure cooker, lotions, soaps, paints, fire extinguisher, elevator, hair brush, lock, traffic signal, pen, dust pan, cell phone, sprinkler, printing press, lawn mower, horse shoe, home security system, folding bed, etc. However, public education focuses a lot more on the discoveries and inventions of Europeans. The main shortcoming of democracy has been that while we are historically aware that black minds have made an equal contribution, if not more, to society and civilization as a whole, their gifts are often seen as a threat to white supremacy culture. White supremacy culture goes beyond race into the subliminal and subconscious ways we are influenced by the effects of colonization.





White supremacy itself psychologically stems from inferiority; only one who believes themselves inferior would erase large chunks of global history from the masses rather than share it, especially in what is considered to be an “educated” and “advanced” society. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, an American psychiatrist, argues that it’s biological recessive desperation. We are all divine. Because of capitalism and the need for our economic participation within this game, public education and mainstream media has indoctrinated colorism into many people’s subconscious belief systems across the board, this helps governments maintain exploitation of the African continent while desensitizing the world to the harm of black people. From someone unconsciously believing it’s unappealing to get too dark in the summer, to Jesus Christ being portrayed as a white man, the internalized racism and false conditioning lies dormant within us if we are not actively working to look at all of history.


Governments have conducted a multitude of prejudiced and discriminatory scientific experiments and have been exposed for several. The Tuskegee Experiment of 1932 in which 500 black men were given syphilus by the US Public Health Service without their knowledge and lasted 40 years. For 11 years, Dr. Eugene Saenger, led an experiment exposing 88 poor and mainly black cancer patients to whole body radiation, even though this sort of treatment had already been discredited; they were not asked to sign consent forms, nor told it was funded by the Pentagon. In just one hour, patients were exposed to about 20,000 x-rays worth of radiation and a quarter of the patients died from radiation poisoning. Saenger recently received a gold medal for “career achievements” from the Radiological Society of North America.


Every bit of gynecological knowledge exists because black women had to suffer, and the history of gynecological medicine is much too sickening to even read. A more modern example, Bill Gates father, Bill Gates Sr. was the founder and developer of Planned Parenthood with Margaret Sanger, which was celebrated in the media for pioneering birth control and women’s safety but both were openly and vocally eugenics advocates. Eugenics is the immoral theory of racial improvement and preservation through science. It’s no surprise that Bill Gates Jr. was the face for the recent world vaccination efforts, as well as facing many lawsuits in third world countries for ignoring human rights in his “humanitarian efforts.” Many of our billionaires and their attitudes towards humanity can be directly linked to colonialism and white supremacy ideals, whether they are conservatives or liberals.


America and European countries operate in such a way that science and “atheism” are similar to religion, which nothing can be confirmed or acknowledged without it’s stamp of approval; but even science can be manipulated and corrupted, and often is. Much of the scientific and medical misconduct exposed in the past is happening on an even bigger scale than before, but is painted to be for the betterment of our planet. This goes back to our political structure and how the two opposing political parties are purposely meant to keep us swaying between obsolete political agendas to harvest our energy into their intended manifestations. For instance, vaccinations were alternatively devised for eugenics purposes to serve as a depopulation method causing sterilization and adverse reactions; but are portrayed in the media as the only solution to epidemics that are routinely over-exaggerated by the media. The term “conspiracy theorist” was actually coined by the CIA and pushed during these decades as a way to create social condemnation and resistance to questioning the government.





Science is only supported in society enough to support the structures that exploit and profit off of disease, sickness, and chronic illnesses. If science were about preserving the truth and saving lives, organic food, homeopathic and alternative medicines wouldn’t be so sparse. In order to even sell organic food, companies actually have to pay a federal fee but a farm can acquire and grow genetically modified seeds for free. Science and technology has reached a critical point and there are hardly any laws and regulations in place to ensure our human rights; we are given tokens of entertainment and acknowledgement made to make us feel represented but the systems still operate as they always have; working together in what is referred to as an iron triangle. Many of the human rights organizations founded by billionaires, millionaires and politicians are only a way to ensure the progress of western science, eugenics, and profit.


The Fibonacci sequence confirms that our universe is based off the organic, irreplicable coding of a Creator which is scientifically hidden from us because it would threaten the scientific “progress” they’ve continued to test the boundaries of, as well as people’s need to trust science and lean on science for a sense of truth; science is simply just tampering with the already existing laws of the universe.


The idea of multi-verses is so prevalent in current films because of where we are with our scientific and technological developments. Since 2008 scientists have been working with massive particle accelerators, in attempts to recreate the “big bang”. These colliders are referenced in several movies and series because the very fabric of our reality is based on quantum theory; many don’t realize that space is still in part theoretical and this is why the images we see are created entirely with CGI. The only affirmative “live” footage of space was the moon landing in 1969, which under further inspection could arguably have been filmed in a studio setting. In other words, these organizations are still aiming to prove their theories. This opening of portals or black holes, which happens daily and around the clock, are in large part affecting our daily lives and the world at large.


We often have this fascination with the ancient empires because the wisdom they left is a gift to the present. In 2012, the world was in a fuss because the Mayans predicted the worlds end; when the world was spinning the next day, no one considered that instead science was much further along than ever imagined. On July 4th, 2012 scientists at the CERN laboratories in Switzerland announced the discovery and first ever observation of Higgs Boson; the Higgs Boson is the fundamental particle that creates mass. Stephen Hawking argued that the pursuit of discovering this fundamental particle was catastrophic to the human timeline. CERN and other labs like it have been shut down multiple times due to the irreversible nature of these studies.


With this opening of portals came quick human advancement; it’s why we see such a large technological jump in the last 30 years, and also suggests that ancient empires also harnessed these portals similarly by way of the pyramids. Mummies actually were not found in pyramids, they were found predominantly in the ground; archeologists simply had no other explanation for why the pyramids existed. However, all pyramids across the world are aligned at cardinal points and follow precise mathematical equations, not to mention were inexplicably built with only modern tools.


            While science assumes its making worthwhile discoveries, it very well could be the karmic disposition of colonization that opens a door to the return of the ancients. This is why many deeply connected to their indigenous selves are vibrating heavily away from the matrix and why there are new star seeds with every decade, especially now; we have the assistance of a universal light and collective indigenous effort to restore the planet. This is also why there are so many efforts to alter our genetics via food, mRNA, 5G towers, 440hz frequencies. We are in an era where time is literally overlapping, even if we cannot physically perceive the speed of light.  Revelations discusses this very phenomenon of the sky splitting open.




Historically, our connection to the land is just one of the many things robbed from us through colonialism.  The land and the Earth is sacred; being connected to her gives us senses beyond our five. This is why the government is so adamant on steering the masses away from consciousness at every effort. What we consider to be American culture, from music, to brands, to celebrities, to news media that is approved for mainstream is usually rooted in a lot of dark energy summoning and dark magic because many of the elite know these esoteric truths, but gate keep them and use the knowledge as a means of oppression.


Movement and connection to our bodies is a sacred birth right. It is through kinetic energy, not potential energy, that we not only transmute our ancestral rage but empty our vessels of projections. Too often the world is seeking to disconnect us from our bodies until we are dissociated and docile. Our connection to ourselves, our understanding of our own bodies, and our awareness of our breath (prana) is essential as we’re moving forward into an intense paradigm; our relationship with the land is what restores us.


To carry the values of America, is to lose the essence of Africa; much of what we consider to be cultural influence in the current age, is actually anti-black in its nature but the media has subjugated our psyches through the cyclical abuse of black and brown bodies. For example, the patterns we see in the music industry that perpetuate violence amongst our own communities, as well as the pursuits of materialism and toxic relationships. Though there are many artists who highlight bigger conversations within the wide array of the black community, those artists are predominantly kept underground.


Pop culture serves as our modern depiction of the colosseum; to keep people focused on celebrities, gossip about each other, and carry suitcases full of judgements that keep them unaware of their own power. Originally music was tuned at 432 Hz; this tuning frequency promotes physical relaxation and is even known to heal chronic pain and according to music theorists is the vibration of the universe. In 1975, standard music was changed from 432 Hz to 440 Hz, with major criticism thereafter from musicians, opera singers, and even scientists. 440 Hz was introduced by Joseph Goebbels, the Nazis Minister of Propaganda during WWII and adopted by the International Organization for Standardization for all commercial contemporary music- even though it has been scientifically proven to make people anxious, nervous, and aggressive. It’s up to us to get in touch with Earth’s frequency on our own.


Generally, when it comes to the food we eat, the music we consume, and our cultural norms we choose to gravitate towards the instant gratifications over the course of generations as we break from the hypocrisy of tradition; this is exemplified even in theology. Many however, get comfortable on the surface, indulging in their lowest and most limiting forms of desire forgetting the importance of balance. There is always a cataclysmic point where people must seek spirituality of some kind to receive a sense of self-worth, boundaries and downloads as to the values they carry. Their level of spiritual understanding depends on their spiritual intake but every person seeks a sense of purpose at some point or another. This energy is magnified in different ways throughout each era to serve as the ushers of light into a new one; from Jesus, to Buddha, to Ghandi, to the witches, to the wizards, to the monks, to the doulas, it’s all the same energy form; that energy exists inside all of us.


Chenayi Tavaziva